Thai immigration changes the rules regarding extensions to Visa on Arrival.

It has been reported after weeks of visa misery that as from the 29th August 2014 if you arrive in Thailand on a standard 30 day visa on arrival that you should in most cases be allowed to extend your stay by a further 30 days at your local Immigration office without any need to cross any borders to extend your stay – contact us if you need help with this.

This is great news for people not wishing to risk their lives on hair raising visa runs to Cambodia when they can stay on land and just go and extend with no fears of Immigration officers at the borders. In most cases tourists only require an extra 7 or 15 days extra and for the last 30 days most people have sat on minibuses for 9-10 hours to achieve a longer stay which is not enjoyable during your stay in Thailand which is why when he news broke of the extra extension being awarded it came as such a relief to most “apart from the visa run companies”

It should be noted that the extension comes with a price obviously!! you have to pay a fee at the Immigration which is yet to be decided and I am sure will not be too expensive and most will be happy to pay the fee.

There is also requirements that have been added to the extension criteria including below which are yet to be 100% confirmed.

1, You will need to show your original return flight ticket leaving withing the 30 days of your free visa on arrival to show that your first intention was to leave Thailand within the first visa without an extension.

2, You will need to show confirmation where you will be staying during the 30 day extension in Thailand

3, You will need to show you have funds approximately 10,000 to 20,000 baht which is to confirm you have monies to cover your stay in Thailand.

It is possible that you could get a 60 day extension in the future but this will be eligible only to foreigners married to a Thai national legally or if the foreigner has children in Thailand.

You will also have to show funds to cover your stay in Thailand and a return ticket to your home Country but be aware extensions are at the discretion of the Immigration Officer and not guaranteed so dress respectfully and be polite.

