The information on this page will give you all the advice you will need to get married in Thailand to your Thai girlfriend. Even with all the information to hand for such an important day it is best to get professional help in Thailand to ensure you wedding goes smoothly.

Getting Married In Thailand

If you have ever been married before it is important that you arrive in Thailand with the original divorce certificate. Without it you will not be able to proceed. Ensure that this is packed in your case before you set off to Thailand.

The UK Groom to be must obtain an affirmation to marry certificate from the British embassy in Bangkok.

The affirmation to marry certificate must then be stamped and certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At this stage it is possible to get married in Thailand.

For any foreigner getting around Bangkok in a set amount of time can be difficult. What would take only 1 or two days could easily amount to a week. A marriage specialist in Thailand will be able to help with all of the steps,

When you are married, your Thai wife will not automatically get a visa to travel to the UK.