hello KeyVisa , i was after advice about my Thai girlfriend. We have known each other for 5 years, we first met when I was traveling around Asia and Thailand

We kept in touch ever since but have been more than friends for last 8 months. we met in London for a holiday together and have decided we want a future together.

Looking at the UK visas it seems getting married is the only real way of being together permanently, is it possible for my Thai girlfriend to come live with me and i can look after her until she finds a job?

She is looking at graphic design jobs in England from Bangkok while working in this profession. is it possible for my Thai girlfriend to come to England on a working visa before you get a job. or do you need the job first??
We will be looking to move in together in about 6-8 months once everything is sorted with money etc. im currently saving for enough money to start life together, with moving to London being the plan for us. What advice on visas would you suggest??
kind regards glen

Hi Glen, Is it not possible for your Thai girlfriend to come and live with you  in the UK until she finds a job
You will find it is not possible for your Thai girlfriend to be given a work permit to work as a graphic designer in the UK.
As you have spent time together in England and wish to move the relationship forward, you have only limited options.
If you were to marry, then it is possible for your Thai wife to live with you in the UK, as your wife and with the correct UK marriage visa she would then be able to apply for any job without needing a separate work permit.

  • You can marry in Thailand and then apply for a UK Marriage visa or
  • Apply for a UK Fiancee Visa and marry in the UK

Being married will not ensure your wife is given a visa. UK immigration has strict rules regarding non Europeans relocating to the UK.
You will have to show that without the need of government money and without your wife working, you will be able to support you and your wife, plus any other dependants you have (like children).